04.10.2024 15:09
Delivery to local courier
Beijing international mail exchange station, BeijingCity
02.10.2024 05:16
Berhampore ICH
29.09.2024 19:22
Item arrival at collection point for pick-up
27.09.2024 09:29
Arrived at Sort Facility Dongguan
24.09.2024 23:36
Picked up
China Southern Airlines
22.09.2024 13:43
Departed from Facility
Sweden, Toftan�s, 21241
20.09.2024 03:50
Departure from outward office of exchange
Centro de Tratamento Lisboa
17.09.2024 17:57
Scheduled for Delivery
Hangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Hangzhou
15.09.2024 08:03
Departed from [Wuhan International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Wuhan international mail exchange station]
Curitiba, Curitiba
12.09.2024 22:10
Label generated
United States, Sun Valley, 91352
10.09.2024 12:17
In Transit to Next Facility
Cod Processing Centre I
08.09.2024 02:24
In Transit to Next Facility
Nanchang city, arrived at Nanchang transport center
05.09.2024 16:31
Item Delivered [To: D (Addressee) ]
Beijing international mail exchange station, Beijing city
03.09.2024 06:38
Processed Through Regional Facility
31.08.2024 20:44
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Beijing international Tianzhu processing center, BeijingCity
29.08.2024 10:51
Received by line-haul
Madhogarh SO Jalaun
27.08.2024 00:58
Origin Scan
24.08.2024 15:05
Processing information input
Patna NSH
22.08.2024 05:12
Pod anotado en dst
Shanghai International Mail Processing Center, Shanghai city
Tracking numbers examples: